Hi All, I just went 5-0 for the third time in a MTGO competitive modern league with BW Tokens this year. I made one change since my Top 4 at SCG Syracuse last month: adding one Kaya for a Thoughtseize maindeck. You can find my Syracuse decklist here: Decklist. Here’s my current decklist:
Round 1 – Jeskai Midrange – Won 2-0
This matchup feels much better with Geist and without the more controlling cards.
In – 2 Duress, 1 Burrenton
Out – 3 Auriok Champion
Round 2 – Jund Traverse – Won 2-1
A bit of a different take on Jund, this version ran Traverse and Grim Flayer. A bunch of Tarmogoyfs after an Anger won my opponent game 2.
In – 2 RIP, Fatal Push, Burrenton, Wrath
Out – 2 Seize, 2 IOK, 1 Zealous (I didn’t see Bob so I took this out)
Round 3 – Grixis Death’s Shadow – Won 2-0
Happy, happy days to see this deck.
In – Halo, Push, EE, 1 Burrenton, 1 Wrath (draw)
Out – 2 Zealous, 2 Sorin, 1 Seize
Round 4 – Mardu Pyromancer – Won 2-1
Selfeisek, the master himself. Game 1 he blindsided me with Blood Moon for the win. Blood Moon is the best way this deck or Mono-Red Phoenix to kill us. Thankfully, Mardu Pyromancer is one of BW Tokens’ very best matchups, and even against one of the top MTGO players, we’re heavily favored.
In – Burrenton, Push
Out – 2 Virtue
Round 5 – UR Kiki – Won 2-0
Game 2 I made a huge error not to run Burrenton out earlier. Anger of the Gods showed up promptly. Because of my misplay, the match went on until I had to fade a spell snare on the fateful turn displayed above. I got lucky and escaped.
In – Burrenton, Halo
Out – 2 BB
Similar to my string of 4-1s, good matchups all around, and no Tron, Amulet, or Whir. I haven’t faced Izzet Phoenix in my past 30 online matchups. Not sure if that’s an anomaly or if paper Magic is just behind. It’s always good to see Grixis Death’s Shadow and Jund, and you can expect to see those decks in paper tournaments. Mardu Pyromancer, not so much, but if Mardu Pyromancer and Mono-Red Phoenix ever rise to the top of Modern, BW Tokens will be as good as gold. It seems it already is for me.
Quick question: why Burrenton Forge Tender over Kor Firewalker?
Hi Austin, thanks for the comment. I like Forge Tender better because she negates Anger of the Gods, a card that sees a good amount of play. She can also negate a Lightning Storm from Ad Nauseam. We already have Auriok Champion in the 2-drop slot, a card I like better than Kor Firewalker due to its increased flexibility vs. black decks (e.g., Death’s Shadow, Rock) and not dying to Fatal Push.
Thanks for this Michael, and all your work on this deck!
I agree 100% about discard. Theoretically, if you were to remove the last four (2 IoQ, 2 Ths), what would you replace them with?
Thanks for the support, Josh! Great question – I’m not sure, but off the top of my head I’d say 2 Fatal Push, 1 or 2 Vindicate (if it’s in Modern Horizons), and maybe one more token generator (maybe another Bitterblossom, a Midnight Haunting, or Serra the Benevolent).
Hi! How would it be to put a Gideon, aoz in the deck for the longer matchups?
Also, I’m not in possession of any Bitterblossoms, is the deck at all functional without them?
Seems to me that they are not doing any super-hard labour?
Hi Joe, my next post will include a comprehensive deck guide and I’ll detail why I’m not playing Gideon. Gideon is good, but Sorin is just much better against a broader range of decks. I would include a Gideon if I had more sideboard slots, but I don’t know what I’d cut. Yes, the deck is functional without Bitterblossom – I’ve played 0 maindeck for some time, but I just think it’s too powerful of a card not to include a few copies.
hi, as a b/w tokens player myself, i’d like to ask you some questions about the deck.
-instead of 2 disenchants in sideboard, have you considered playing fragmentize?
-do you think the new card, dreadhorde invasion would be a budget option for bitterblossom? or should i stick with raise the alarm? :p
-does kaya, orzhov usurper fit the deck well since the 3 drop slot is a critical spot for the deck?
-what do you think about legion’s landing and history of benalia?
and thank you for this amazing resource site! have a nice day! 🙂
Thanks for your comment, sherlockian, and for your interest in my blog – it’s very much appreciated! Fragmentize is a good consideration – I’m not sure if Disenchant is better, but for now I like the instant speed. Unfortunately, I think Dreadhorde Invasion isn’t good in this deck for three reasons – 1) The token isn’t flying. 2) This deck functions through disruption via a swarm. Dreadhorde Invasion goes big and not wide. 3) A huge giant token is a lightning rod for removal. This deck wants to negate the utility of creature removal spells. I might run Midnight Haunting over Raise the Alarm – flying tokens typically matter and Raise the Alarm is best in a more aggressive Tokens deck, whereas mine is more controlling. Kaya is just ok in the deck because she’s good in the current meta. You rarely play her over Souls or Spectral, but she’s good and I’ve liked her. I’ll include more information about Legion’s Landing and History of Benalia in my comprehensive deck guide which I’ll post soon. I don’t like Landing or History in my version of the deck. Both are better in aggressive shells, but ironically, Wendell Santini, who put up 9 wins at GP Sao Paulo earlier this month with Mono-White Aggro Tokens, ran Landing but no History (instead running Spectral Procession which competes with History for a three drop slot), so Spectral Procession might be better in both control shells like my deck as well as aggro versions.
thanks for your reply, helped a lot. have a good day!