Hi All,
I’ve gone a total of 15-5 in four straight competitive modern leagues with BW Tokens since GP Toronto earlier this month. While my last two leagues at 3-2 were disappointments from my 5-0 into 4-1 start, winning 75% of my matches is a fine place to be. Here’s my decklist:
Here’s a breakdown of my matchups:
Affinity Frenzy 1-0
Blue Moon 0-1
Burn 1-0
Deaths Shadow 3-0
Dredge 0-2 (It’s tough to lose a great matchup – I mulled and/or didn’t draw my 3rd land in both matches)
Grishoalbrand 1-0
Izzet Phoenix 1-0
Mardu Pyromancer 1-0
Mono-Red Phoenix 4-0
Mono-White Eldrazi Taxes 0-1
Tron – Mono Green 1-0
Whir 0-1
Zoo 2-0
There’s no better sign that Tokens is great right now than facing Grixis Death’s Shadow and Mono-Red Phoenix a total of 7 times out of 20.
How important is the Fetid Heath? I have the other 74 cards, I assume I can just play a Plains in that slot but interested to hear how often Fetid comes up for you.
Fetid Heath helps when you need to fetch a basic swamp for a particular reason, usually due to wanting to maintain a higher life total. It also helps when you draw a swamp and need to cast Spectral on turn 3. The deck’s mana isn’t great so more lands that produce both W and B are preferred. If you don’t have the Heath I might run another Shambling Vent instead of the Plains.